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Student Project: Mind War (9 person group)

Development Duration: 3 months
Engine: Unity


Developed by StopFeeding Studios, Mind Wars is a strategy/auto-battler mobile game that takes major inspirations from auto-chess titles such as Teamfight Tactics and Dota Underlords.

Set in the near-future, Players assume the role of the eponymous profession, healing illnesses both mental and physical by vanquishing evil viruses with their army of nanobots.

My works in this project: 



1. Hexagon Generator(Including random platform(the red platform which will damage robot) and Enemy tower)

2. Spell Cards, Shop System

Disclaimer: The showcase here are only fireball and increase atk speed spell card for robot. The other spell cards that haven't show will be poison spell card and healing spell card

3. Main Menu Camera System(Draggable Camera)

4. Perks and Upgrades. 

Disclaimer: Due to too many different type of perks and upgrade(mostly just increase atk, hp and passive ability), here just showcase one of the obvious perks which is increase the attack range of robot. The other abilities of perks and upgrade could be add shield to ai, increase Atk/Hp/Speed, Instance Mana cool down when spawn(where increase atk speed and hp)

The challenge and solution

1. Hexagon Generator

Platform procedure generator can be the most tricky parts that I handle in this project. Our level concept is proposed to be a procedure generator platform with a random enemy tower. Creating a procedure platform is not that hard. However, the tricky part is that in order to create a "good shape" of the platform like the above image, a complex formula will be needed to add inside the for loop function in order to determine the shape of the spawn location. 

Thankfully, A good reference of custom shape hex tile platform that I found from Youtube help me a lot.

Credit:  Hexagon Calculation Formula Reference from Aeonic Softworks


Other than that, each of the hex tile positions will be needed to add into a List in order to achieve random tower and damage tile spawn.



2.  Shop system and spell card

Shop system

The shop system is the second challenging part that I handle in this project. In order to make sure the item is randomized in a limited way(which means the player can get at least one robot unit and upgrade), a lot of List variables will be needed to determine the different types of shop items to spawn. 

The most tricky part of the shop system would be buyCard function. Shop system contains a lot of different type of item such as spell card, robot unit and upgrade. An epic perks buff could even increase the item amount to 2 each time the player bought it.


Therefore, a lot of conditions will need to check in order to actually achieve the function of each type of item.

Spell cards

In order to make the spell card function work(such as transforming the function from screen to world space), ray tracing would be used to determine the object that collided.

Except the fireball function was spawned and move to the target, the other spell cards such as poison, heal and increase atk speed were just spawn a sphere of collision to damage or increase the specific target hp

3. Main Menu Camera System

A boolean was used to determine whether the camera rotation should auto-play or not. Other than that, the camera angle was clamped between two values when it is auto rotate. A coroutine was also used to determine the cooldown after the player stopped dragging the camera. The dragging system is almost the same as the instruction code.

4. Perks and Upgrades

A scripting API that Unity provides called PlayerPrefs is the key function that helps me get most of the upgrade and perks value to work easily.

The mana instance cool down, hp regenerate and robot shield perks could stand as individual functions but they still use PlayerPrefs to determine whether those functions can activate or not.

Demo Showcase

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